Helping Heroes Find Their Voice: 10 Years of Impact
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I have been volunteering with Hire Heroes USA for 10 years and during that time, I’ve had the privilege of interacting with many veterans, military spouses and the amazing Hire Heroes USA team members. I came to Hire Heroes without military experience. Although my father was an Army veteran from World War II, he never talked about it and so my frame of reference was very limited. My best friend’s son is a Marine and he had a tough transition for many reasons, but one of the most challenging for him was finding a meaningful position in the civilian world. In early 2014, I saw an interview with Brian Stann about Hire Heroes USA and the post-service employment challenges our veterans and military spouses face, I knew this was something I could help with. I had recently retired from a 30+ year career working in Human Resources for a large organization and so I felt I was well-equipped from that standpoint to assist with mock interviews, career counseling and resume reviews. I was nervous about doing so by telephone however, as we weren’t using platforms like Zoom when I first started. How would I know if I had really helped a veteran or spouse if I couldn’t see their “light bulb” moment? I felt I was already at a bit of a disadvantage not being able to relate to their military experience. I hoped that I could add enough value with my HR experience to make a difference in their job search. After 10 years and hundreds of hours, I know my work as a volunteer has made a meaningful impact to the individuals I worked with and the mission overall.
Soon after becoming a volunteer, I received a request to conduct a mock interview for a veteran who had transitioned about 6 months prior. He had an impressive resume and excellent experience during his military career that could easily align with roles in the civilian employment world. He was receiving interest but wasn’t making it past the screening interviews. I was told he was feeling discouraged and frustrated, both very understandable emotions. I was nervous going into the call, not knowing if I would be able to provide the insights and feedback this veteran needed to find success in his career, but I knew I had to try. Before conducting the mock interview, I suggested a short call with the veteran to get to know each other a little, set expectations and answer any preliminary questions. We chatted for a few moments and it didn’t take long for me to realize he was not representing himself well in interviews. He lacked confidence and sounded very frustrated, but he also shared some insecurities and fears that really moved me. I remember him saying, “I really need your help.”
Fast forward to the mock interview and I began asking typical questions for a first-round interview: Tell me a little bit about yourself, What interested you in this position, What qualifications do you have for this role? His responses lacked the depth of experience he clearly had, and he wasn’t really answering the question but was nervously rambling. I thought back to an important piece of advice a Transition Specialist had given me shortly after I started volunteering with Hire Heroes USA. She said to be an effective mentor or coach to our veterans and military spouses, you have to “meet them where they are”. I decided to gently stop the interview and rather than try to relay in words how he was coming across, I thought it might be more beneficial to turn the tables and have him ask me the questions. I hoped that by hearing how I responded from a content standpoint and with inflection in my voice, appropriate pausing, focused responses, etc., he might see where he could make changes in his approach. Very much to my delight, the illustration worked and I heard the “lightbulb moment”. We debriefed between each question and I could tell that he understood what he needed to do. We completed the mock interview with me asking him the remaining questions. It was a night and day difference. When I hung up from that call, I felt like I had won the lottery! I could tell he felt more confident and prepared. I just knew good things were waiting for him right around the corner. Sure enough, I found out a few weeks later that he had obtained a position he was very excited about at one of his top choice companies. When he called to tell me, I remember he said that he got the job because of me. Now, I realize that I was the last stop on a train of incredible support he had received from his Transition Specialist, prior volunteers, etc., but it really meant a lot to me and I’ll never forget that particular interaction.
Having been with Hire Heroes USA as a volunteer since 2014, I’ve seen the organization grow in numbers of employees, in partners, in impact and it’s been absolutely amazing to be even a small part of it. I’ve done a lot of volunteering since I retired. Children’s organizations, pet rescues, homeless employment assistance, hospitals. They’ve all been very rewarding and I know I’ve received just as much if not more from those experiences than I’ve given. But throughout all of those experiences, I’ve never encountered a team as passionate about their mission as the team at Hire Heroes USA. As a volunteer, that makes you want to give as much as you can to help in whatever way is asked, and then some. Hearing a veteran or military spouse say they achieved something because of the assistance you offered is priceless – that in some small way you’ve been able to offer your support as a thanks to them for the tremendous sacrifices they have made for our freedom.
To see the organization hit 100,000 lifetime hires and to understand what that means for these brave men and women and their families brings a lot of feelings. I am incredibly proud to say that I volunteer with Hire Heroes USA and look forward to doing so for many years to come.
**Written by Hire Heroes USA volunteer Shawn Himes
As we celebrate 100,000 veteran and military spouse hires, Hire Heroes USA proudly recognizes everyone who made this extraordinary achievement possible. Each hire represents a life changed, a family strengthened, and a future brightened. This milestone is a testament to the dedication of our staff, donors, volunteers, and partners who continue to invest in the success of those who served. We’re not just counting hires—we’re celebrating legacies of service and creating new pathways to success.
Together, we are #100KStrong.